You’re wrapping up a busy day at work and preparing to head home. As you prepare to leave the warehouse behind, you want to ensure that everything is secure and ready for your return. With a few taps on your computer, you access the security system app, arm the alarm system, and activate surveillance cameras to keep a watchful eye on your premises. 

Simultaneously, you adjust the temperature settings to ensure a comfortable environment upon your next arrival. What you may not realize is that the seamless operation of your security systems, from alarm disarmament to temperature control, relies on the transmission of digital signals through specialized cables. Examples of these include security cables, access control cable, and alarm wire, to name a few. These signal cables enable the integration of various smart devices and systems, ensuring efficient communication and management of your business or warehouse security infrastructure.

In this blog we take a deeper look into control and digital signal cables, and why they are so important to businesses. 

check signal cable

What Is A Signal Cable?

A signal cable is a cable that is specifically created with the ability to transmit a significant amount of data through the use of an optical fiber or metal wire. The signal cable takes the data signals and transmits them to an app or device-specific actions that it can then take through the use of automated technology. These signal cables are found in all sorts of devices, technology, and even utilities.

What About Control Signal Cables?

Control signal cables are a type of signal cable that helps the device, utility, etc., take an action through an electrical response dictated by a signal cable. Typically, the signal cable will send the data whereas a control cable will have it take action. Control signal cables are especially common with utilities, like powering lights on and off remotely or changing your thermostat’s temperature.

What About Digital Signal Cables?

Digital signal cables are cable is just the long-form name of a signal cable using digital signals. It is typically made of optical fiber cable or a metal wire utilizes a metal conductor, and its purpose is to constantly transmit data. These cables have a high workload as they are continuously receiving information. For example, TEKwire™ can sustain a heavy load of data and offers specialized configurations and even customized colors!

What Are Signal Cables Used For?

As technology moves into nearly every aspect of our lives, signal cables are being used to power those technological advancements. From home automation to voice assistants in your phone or even in your car, signal cables are at work!

Industry Automation Made Possible Through Control Cables

Control cables play a crucial role in ensuring seamless operation and safety across a range of machinery and equipment. For instance, consider a manufacturing plant where automated production lines are in constant motion, orchestrating the assembly of complex products with precision timing and coordination.

Control cables are instrumental in transmitting signals between control panels, sensors, actuators, and machinery components, enabling operators to monitor and regulate processes in real-time. Whether it’s adjusting conveyor speeds, activating robotic arms, or monitoring temperature and pressure levels, control cables facilitate the seamless flow of data and commands, optimizing production efficiency and maintaining stringent quality standards in the industrial setting.

Automated Assistants

Automated assistants can brew a cup of coffee for you at a set time, perform scheduled arming or disarming of an alarm system, and even illuminate your lights when you want them turned on. When you think about how automated assistants get the information to know what to do, this information is typically transmitted through a signal cable. The fiber optic or copper-conductor signal cable transmits the data so that the smart device or automated assistant knows what to do.

Data Communication 

Signal cables transmit data, so it makes sense that they would be used in cases of strict data transfer! Think about transmitting data from a desktop computer to an external hard drive or moving images from a digital camera to your computer. These are just a couple of examples of how signal cables are used in data communication.

Voice Communication

Voice communication is another way that smart technology has pervaded our lives. Whether we are driving and want to activate music, at home and we want to turn on a light, change the channel on the TV, or even ask a search engine device a question, signal cables are used to transmit data from the microphone source to the device that will take the action. 

Home Automation Cables

Whether you’re interested in home automation with a new construction for your home or office or you’re looking to retrofit your existing space, you will need signal cables for communication and/or automation. These days, homeowners can remotely control everything from power sources to utilities, home audio, HVAC, lighting, computers, security, home entertainment,  and more. Home automation is here, and you will need the proper signal cables or multimedia cables to make it possible.

what is a signal cable

Qualities To Look For In A Control And Digital Signal Cable Manufacturer

If you’re looking for a supplier for control and digital signal cables, you’ll want to examine the quality of the cables that they offer for durability, performance, cable insulation, shielding options, and corrosion resistance to environmental conditions and corrosion to determine if the signal cable is one that will work for your application.

Durability of Digital Signaling Cables

If you’re installing a digital signal cable to control a device, you want the signal cable to still be able to receive the information in less-than-ideal conditions. That’s because the reality is that your signaling cables might not always be operating in under perfect conditions. Durability will help maintain signal integrity and keep your equipment running reliablyAnd plenum cabling will allow you to meet local municipal codes, as well as provide a durable and safer installation.

Performance of Signal Cables

You don’t want your wires crossed, so to speak, so go with a signal cable provider that offers the performance you need. You may need a signal cable that works directly with your computer network (LAN), or you may need a signal cable that is wired directly to the tech (ethernet cable). in plenum cabling, such as plenum fiber, or riser cabling versions. Different signal cables offer different types and levels of performance, so the type of cable you choose will depend on the data load your device needs.

Custom Cable Insulation

The cable insulation of your signal cables matters because it can dictate how well data is transferred, impacting performance as well as durability. A signal cable that is not properly insulated may suffer from poor connectivity or may not be able to transmit the data properly or for as long as you intend it to work.

Shielded And Unshielded Cable Options

Installing cable in a wet location? Shielded options are necessary to maintain the integrity of the transmission by preventing ingress of external interference or egress of the transmitted signal. TEKwire™ offers both shielded and unshielded options suitable for nearly any environment. You will want to make sure that the signal cable you use is appropriate for your application, especially if it’s being installed in challenging environments like wet locations, including everything from pool wiring to wiring that is left in the elements. 

When considering what signal cable supplier to use, determine if they offer jacket shields for signal cables so that you can protect your installation.

Corrosion Resistance

Another factor to consider when selecting a signal cable is corrosion resistance. Especially in cases where cables are buried, you will want to choose a cable that has better corrosion resistance. Additionally, if you need to solder the signal cable, you may want to look for a signal cable with the tinned copper conductor, as it will make that easier and provide better corrosion resistance.

digital signal cable

Our Recommended for Control And Digital Signaling Cable: TEKwire

When you’re considering a dual control and signal cable that can handle nearly any application, we recommend the TEKwire™. This state-of-the-art signal cable features an engineered cable design that can’t be found anywhere else. Whether you need signal and control cable for a residential, commercial, or utility project, Remee can help. 

Our TEKwire™ cables are manufactured under the ISO 9001 certification, and there are a variety of options from which you can choose, including different types of jackets, shielding options, conductors, and ratings including CM, CMP, CMG, or CL2.

Choose The Best Digital And Control Signaling Cable Manufacturer

Remee is a proven custom cable manufacturer that can create a variety of custom cables to meet your specific project requirements. We have experience across numerous industries and offer the highest quality control and digital signaling cables. 

Have questions about which signal cable is right for your project? Contact us today for a signal cable quote!