
Surplus Cable

Why Buy Surplus Cable?

Imagine building a high-performance network while cutting your costs by half. Sounds too good to be true, right? Yet, this is exactly what you can achieve by opting for Surplus Cable. Whether you're running a small business or managing a large-scale infrastructure, cables are essential. But with…

Extending Network

Fiber Optic vs. Copper: Which Cable Type is Best for Extending Network Reach?

Our insatiable appetite for data demands a robust and ever-expanding network. The choice of network infrastructure can make or break your organization’s efficiency. Businesses, schools, hospitals, and even homes rely on the seamless transmission of data. Every second counts when it comes to data…

Eco-Friendly Energy

Eco-Friendly Energy

How would it be if the sun rays power our homes, the wind whispers electricity into our lives, and the tides churn out a clean, renewable energy source? A world where our energy needs are met without the polluting footprints of fossil fuels. This is the vision of eco-friendly energy, a story of…

Installing Industry’s First Fiber Solution for Intersection Detection

Activate™ by Remee Enables the Industry’s First Fiber Solution for Intersection Detection and Actuation for GRIDSMART®

The GRIDSMART SOLUTION, part of Cubic Transportation Systems, adopted the Activate™ by Remee Copper/Fiber Composite Cable for use in its highly advanced SMARTMOUNT2025 traffic intersection control system. The GRIDSMART SOLUTION provides state-of-the-art traffic management, allowing municipalities…

Low smoke zero halogen cable

LSZH Cable: Is It The Right Cable for Your Next Project?

The priority of any construction trade should be the safety of the people who will occupy the space they are preparing. As a result, builders increasingly choose flame retardant and safer-burning materials for enclosed settings where people gather. This has created an increasing demand for the…

Future Trends of Single Pair Ethernet Remee image of person using technology icons

Future Trends of Single Pair Ethernet

What Is Single Pair Ethernet? Single Pair Ethernet, or SPE, is exactly what it sounds like, Ethernet cable over a single pair of conductors. It’s an important advancement in networking technology today, and we’re exploring the future trends of Single Pair Ethernet. Where conventional Ethernet data…

Remee Enables GRIDSMART, an Advanced Solution for Traffic Management

‌Cubic Transportation Systems’ GRIDSMART SOLUTION has installed Activate™ by Remee Copper/Fiber composite cable in its SMARTMOUNT2025 intersection traffic control system. ‌As the industry’s first fiber solution for intelligent transportation systems, GRIDSMART facilitates intersection actuation and…

osdp reader, wiegand reader

OSDP Access Control Technologies and Wiegand

Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP) and Wiegand are technologies used to link access control systems together. While Wiegand readers are one-way communication devices, OSDP readers offer two-way communication. In other words, OSDP readers can send and receive communication from the controller.…

Making the Circuit: How Renewable Energy Cables Make Green Power Possible

In 2020, the Energy Information Agency (EIA) estimated that 20% of all the electricity generated in the US came from renewables — more than half of which was produced by wind or solar power. Add to that the expectation that renewables will exceed natural gas as the primary energy source by 2030,…

How Super Integrators Are Changing the Wire and Cable Industry

Wire and cable super integrators are the future. Industry titans such as Diversified, Yorktel, and AVI-SPL remain locked in a race to be the first billion-dollar technology solutions company. To compete, specialists in niche markets need to expand into other fields. Diversification, education,…