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Remee’s TEKwire™ Cables for Audio, Instrumentation, Control & Digital Signaling have been designed for General-Purpose use in commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Comparable to the Belden “Classics” series, these TEKwire™ Cables offer a wide selection of components and ratings to suit most applications. If you don’t see a cable you need, let us know. Remee has superior cable modification and custom design capabilities.

TEKwire™ Cables are available in PVC jackets, Plenum-rated PVC Remguard® jackets, or FEP jackets for high-temperature and harsh conditions. In addition, low capacitance versions are offered. Tinned or Bare, Solid or Stranded conductors are available, ranging from 24 AWG to 18 AWG, with shielded, double shielded, or unshielded options. TEKwire™ Cables carry a variety of ratings, including CM, CMP, CMG, and CL2. Several popular constructions are in stock now, in stranded tinned copper conductor styles.

Special Features

Remee’s new TEKwire™ cables feature specially engineered designs, with distinct and important advantages over minimally compliant Alarm and Security Grade styles:

  1. Cable designs are hardy and durable, able to provide reliable performance, and is priced competitively.
  2. Tinned copper conductors are available for better corrosion resistance and to make soldered connections easier.
  3. Insulation and jacket walls are thicker, providing greater signal performance and durability.
  4. FEP jacketed versions are rugged, ideal for use in harsh environments  and wet locations.  UL 444 rated, and NFPA 262 plenum rated.
  5. Double shielding coverage (foil + braid) is available on many constructions.
  6. Choose from a wide assortment of cable types and options, such as:
    • PE insulation for low capacitance
    • Hi-temp cables (Plenum rated) with FEP
    • Shielded and unshielded versions
    • Low capacitance, data-grade cables for RS-232, RS 422 and RS 485
    • Cables for DMX-512 stage lighting controls
    • Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) styles
    • And more!

Standards & Certifications

Remee TEKwire™ cables are rated CM, CMP, CMG or CL2 and are manufactured under our ISO 9001 certification.

Cross-Reference with Belden

You can cross Belden cable part numbers with the Remee equivalents in the Part number table shown below.

Modified Standard & Custom Cables

In addition to standard stock TEKwire™ cables, Remee can modify or customize any cable.

  • Bundled, composite and hybrid constructions
  • Jacketing & insulation options
  • Various shielding configurations
  • Non-standard colored jackets
  • Optional striping
  • Other requirements you may have

Standard & Other Available TEKwire™ Cables

Choose from the TEKwire™ Cables options in the following table. Most items are in stock but check with Remee for availability. Part numbers link to individual cable spec sheets.


Remee’s line of TEKwire™ Cables has been designed to suit many general purpose communications, instrumentation and control applications, such as those listed here:


Request Product Samples

*Authorized Stocking Item

Please swipe table to see all columns.

Remee Part No. & Data Sheet Industry Std. Ref. Style/Type Description Listing
XP18RRM1WE 300V Rated Cable Indoors Unshielded Plenum X = 2, 4, 6, or 8 PR, #18, Str BC, Remguard LS PVC ins & jkt, NS CMP
XP16RRM1WE 300V Rated Cable, Indoors, Unshielded Plenum X = 2, 4, 6 or 8 PR, #16, Str BC, Remguard LS PVC ins & jkt, NS CMP
XP14RRM1WE 300V Rated Cable, Indoors, Unshielded Plenum X = 2, 4, 6 or 8 PR, #14, Str BC, Remguard LS PVC ins & jkt, NS CMP
XP18PVCWBTM1B 300V Rated Cable, Unshielded Indoors/Outdoors, Direct Bury X = 2, 4, 6 or 8 PR, #18, Str BC, Water Blocking Tape, PVC ins & jkt, NS CMR
XP16PVCWBTM1B 300V Rated Cable, Unshielded Indoors/Outdoors, Direct Bury X = 2, 4, 6 or 8 PR, #16, Str BC, Water Blocking Tape, PVC ins & jkt, NS CMR
XP14PVCWBTM1B 300V Rated Cable, Unshielded Indoors/Outdoors, Direct Bury X = 2, 4, 6 or 8 PR, #14, Str BC, Water Blocking Tape, PVC ins & jkt, NS CMR
B1P22FOSTB 3079A 1 PR, #22 Sol BC, FoamPE Ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt CMG
B1P22TFOSTB 3105A 1 PR, #22 Str TC, FoamPE Ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt CM / PLTC
B1P1C22TFISTB 3106A* 1 PR, (OS)+1 C, #22 Str TC, FoamPE Ins, TC Braid, PVC jkt CM / PLTC
B2P22TFOSTB 3107A* 2 PR, #22 Str TC, FoamPE ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt CM / PLTC
B3P18TISPLTC 9369 3 PR, #18 Str TC, PVC ins, IS, PVC jkt CM / PLTC
B2P20TOS 9402 2 PR, #20 Str TC, PVC ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B4C18TOS 9418 4 C, #18 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B30C22T 9432 30 C, #22 Str TC, PVC ins, PVC jkt CMG
B1P22TOSEZP 9451P 1 PR, #22 Str TC, FEP ins, OS, LS-PVC jkt CMP
B1P22TOSEZ 9451 1 PR, #22 Str TC, PE ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B1P20TOSTB 9463 1 PR, #20, Str TC, PE ins (blue & clear), OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt CM
B1P24TOS 9501 1 PR #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt CMG
B2P24TOS 9502 2 PR, #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt (RS-232) CMG
B3C24TOS 9533 3 C, #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt (RS-232) CMG
B4C24TOS 9534 4 C #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt (RS-232) CMG
B5C24TOS 9535 5 C #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt (RS-232) CMG
B6C24TOS 9536 6 C #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt CMG
B7C24TOS 9537 7 C #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt CMG
B8C24TOS 9538 8 C #24 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, PVC jkt CMG
B4P24TIS 9728 4 PR, #24 Str TC, PE ins, IS, PVC jkt (RS-232/422) CM
B2P24TIS 9729* 2 PR, #24 Str TC, PE ins, IS, PVC jkt (RS-232/422) CM
B6P24TFIS 9731 6 PR #24 Str TC, FoamPE ins, IS, PVC jkt (RS-232/422) CM
B12P24TFIS 9734 12 PR #24 Str TC, FoamPE ins, IS, PVC jkt (RS-232/422) CM
B19P24TFIS 9737 19 PR #24 Str TC, FoamPE ins, IS, PVC jkt (RS-232/422) CM
B1P18T 9740 1 PR #18 Str TC, PVC ins, PVC jkt CMG
B6P20T 9751 6 PR, #20 Str TC, PVC ins, PVC jkt CMG
B3C22TOS 9770* 3 C #22 Str TC, PE ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B3P18TIS 9773 3 PR #18 Str TC, PE ins, IS, PVC jkt CM
B1P24TOSTB 9841* 1 PR, #24 Str TC, PE ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt CM
B2P24TOSTB 9842* 2 PR, #24 Str TC, PE ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt (RS-485) CM
B3P20TIS 9873 3 PR, #20 Str TC, PE ins, IS, PVC jkt CM
B6P20TIS 9874 6 PR, #20 Str TC, PE ins, IS, PVC jkt CM
B6P20TISOSP 9886 6 PR, #20 Str TC, PE ins, IS, MDPE jkt OSP (Burial)
B4C22TOSTB 9940 4 C, #22 Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt (RS-232) CM
B10C22TOSTB 9946 10 C, #22, Str TC, SRPVC ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt (RS-232) CMG
B4P245EFF 7928A Cat 5e FEP/FEP CMP
B4P24TOSTB 8104* 4 PR, #24 Str TC, PE ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt (RS-232/422) CM
B7P24TOSTB 8107 7 PR, #24, PE Ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt CM
B12P1C24TOSTB 8112 12 PR+1 C, #24 Str TC, PE ins, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt (RS-232/422) CM
B12.5P28TFOSTB 8142 12.5 PR, #28 Str TC, FoamPE, OS, TC Braid, PVC jkt (RS-232/485) CM
B4C22T 8444 4C, #22 Str TC, PVC ins, PVC jkt CM
B2C18T 8461 2 C #18 Str TC, PVC ins, PVC jkt CMG
B9C18T 8469 9C, #18 Str TC, PVC ins, PVC jkt CMG
B2C16T 8471 2 C, #16 Str TC, PVC ins, PVC jkt CMG
B2C12TOS 8718 2 C, #12 Str TC, PE ins, OS, PVC jkt CL2
B2C16TOS 8719 2 C, #16 Str TC, PE ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B2C14TOS 8720 2 C, #14 Str TC, PE ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B2P22TIS 8723* 2 PR, #22 Str TC, PE ins, IS, PVC jkt CM
B1PIS2C22T 8724 1 PR(SH)+2C (NS), #22 Str TC, PE ins, PVC jkt CM
B1P18TOS 8760* 1 PR #18 Str TC, PE Ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B1P22TOS 8761* 1 PR #22 Str TC, PE Ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B2C20TOS 8762 2 C, #20 Str TC, PE Ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B3C18TOS 8770* 3 C #18 Str TC, PE Ins, OS, PVC jkt CM
B6P22TIS 8778 6 PR, #22 Str TC, PP ins, IS, PVC jkt CM
B2P24TOSP 82502 2 PR, #24 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, LS-PVC jkt (RS-232) CMP
B2P22TISP 82723 2 PR, #22 Str TC, FEP Ins, IS, LS-PVC jkt CMP
B1P24TFOSTBP 82841 1 PR, #24 Str TC, FoamFEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, LS-PVC jkt (RS-485) CMP
B2P24TFOSTBP 82842 2 PR, #24 Str TC, FoamFEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, LS-PVC jkt (RS-485) CMP
B2C22TOSP 82761* 2 C, #22 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, LS-PVC jkt CMP
B1P18TFOSP 82760* 1 PR, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, LS-PVC jkt CMP
B3C18TOSTBP 83653 3 C, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, FEP jkt CMP
B4C18TOSTBP 83654 4 C, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, FEP jkt CMP
B6C18TOSTBP 83656 6 C, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, FEP jkt CMP
B2C16TOSTBP 83702 2 C, #16 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, FEP jkt CMP
B4C16TOSTBP 83704 4 C, #16 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, FEP jkt CMP
B6C16TOSTBP 83706 6 C, #16 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, FEP jkt CMP
B1P18TOSKP 87760 1 PR, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, PVDF jkt (Red) CMP
B1P22TOSKP 87761 1 PR, #22 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, PVDF jkt CMP
B2P22TISP 88723 2 PR, #22 Str TC, FEP ins, IS, FEP jkt (Red) CMP
B1P18TOSF 88760* 1 PR, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, FEP jkt CMP
B2C22TOSP 88761 2 C, #22 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, FEP jkt CMP
B3C18TOSP 88770 3 C, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, FEP jkt CMP
B3P22TISP 88777 3 PR, #22 Str TC, FEP Ins, IS, FEP jkt CMP
B4C18TOSP 89418 4C, #18 Str TC, FEP Ins, OS, FEP jkt CMP
B2P24TFOSTBF 89842 2 PR, #24 Str TC, FoamFEP Ins, OS, TC Braid, FEP jkt (RS-485) CMP

*Authorized Stocking Item

Composite Cable

Please swipe table to see all columns.

Remee Part No. & Data Sheet Industry Std. Ref. Style/Type Description Listing
40R-2X33047BRYO-XX/XPDE 300V Rated Cable. SM Fiber Optic, Composite Indoor / Outdoor OFNP 14, 16 or 18 AWG Copper + Singlemode Composite Cable OFNP
40V-33XX76BAYO-XX.XPDE 300V Rated Cable. SM Fiber Optic, Composite Indoor / Outdoor OFNP 16 or 18 AWG Copper + Singlemode Composite Cable OFNP

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